
assemble(c, options) combines graphs defined in the cell object c.
The distribution of graphs depends on the relation between the output chart width (options.width) and the width of the individual charts.

Graph 2x2

x = 0:0.01:20
op = struct('show', false, 'width', 300, 'height', 280, 'paddingTop', 27, 'paddingLeft', 35, 'paddingRight', 50, 'paddingBottom', 55)
y1 = scatter(rand(10, 5), op)
y2 = plot(magic(5), op)
y3 = plotyy(x, 50*sin(x), x, cos(x), op)
y4 = plot([1 5], [10 9], op)
assemble({y1, y2, y3, y4}, struct('width', 650))

Graph 2x1

op1 = struct('show', false, 'height', 250, 'width', 390, 'lineWidth', 2, 'lineStroke', '#9ACD32', 'paddingBottom', 30)
op2 = struct('show', false, 'height', 270, 'width', 390, 'lineWidth', 2, 'lineStroke', 'red')
x1 = 0:0.05:5
x2 = 0:0.05:2
s1 = plot(x1, cos(2*pi*x1).*exp(-x1), op1)
s2 = plot(x2, cos(2*pi*x2), op2)
assemble({s1, s2})

Related documentation

Reports - Controlling Report Width

See also

area | plot | scatter | overlay | plotyy