
optimview(type, info) generates a graph for the optimization algorithm defined in type. The struct info containing the required data for each optimization type.

Depending on the type, some animation options can be defined.


Options Description Values Default values
animfreq Frame frequency positive integer 1
animstart Inicial frame to start animation positive integer 1
sol Solution vector []
osol Plotting options for the solution struct struct('markerSize', 3, 'markerFill', '#404040')
os Plotting options for trace struct struct('markerSize', 3, 'markerFill', 'red')
np Number of points for meshgrid positive integer 10


Options Description Values Default values
animfreq Frame frequency positive integer 1
animstart Inicial iteration to start animation positive integer 1


Options Description Values Default values
plot Type of plot string []
animate Plots animation logical false
animfreq Frame frequency positive integer 1
animstart Inicial iteration to start animation positive integer 1


Options Description Values Default values
plot Plots pareto front or position of the population 'pos', 'pareto' {'pos' 'pareto'}
animate Generates the animation logical true
animfreq Frame frequency positive integer 1
animstart Inicial frame to start animation positive integer 1

See also

fminsearch | lsqcurvefit | nsga2 | ga