Line and Scatter Plots

The following mathlayer® functions are used to generate two dimensional line and scatter plots:
  • scatter: each point in the graph is represented by a circle
  • plot: the graph's points are connected by a line
  • stem: for discrete data
  • plotyy: plot with secondary axis

Defining Coordinates

Using a single vector argument will automatically use the vector 1:n as x-axis coordinates, where n denotes the vector's size:

y = [1 4 2 3]

% plotting a single vector

In the case of a single matrix argument, each column of the matrix will be plotted with a different colour:

y = [1 4 2 3; 2 5 1 6]

% plotting matrix y

In the case of a table argument, the table's first column will be used for the x-axis coordinates against which all other columns will be plotted and a legend is automatically added with the table's variable names:

t = table([1;2;3;4],[3;7;5;2],[7;2;6;4],'VariableNames',{'x','line1','line2'})

% plotting table t

Using two input arguments x and y, the argument x will be used as the x-axis coordinates against which y values will be plotted:
  • y can be a vector with the same number of elements as x
  • y can be a matrix with with one of its dimensions equal to the length of x
x = [1 3 4 7]
y = [4 2 7 4;6 5 4 7;3 3 2 5]

Secondary Axis

plotyy function allows to use a secondary axis:

x = [1 3 4 7]
y1 = [4 1 7 4]
y2 = [60 50 40 70]
plotyy(x, y1, x, y2) 

% using secondary axis

Scatter Plots

Plot a graph with circles in the positions specified by X and Y.

y = rand(10, 5)

% scatter plotting 5 vectors of uniform random values

Discrete Data

stem function helps visualizing discrete data sequences:

y = linspace(-2*pi,2*pi,10)

% using stem for discrete linear data sequence

Related functions

plot | scatter | plotty | stem