User Interface


mathlayer's built-in user interface (UI) has been designed to facilitate developments while preserving the application's performance, lightness and seamless deployment.

The UI is split into 4 windows:
  1. Command Line
  2. Output Console
  3. Variable Browser
  4. Command History

The background colors, font colors and font sizes are customizable for each window using the ui function.

Command Line

The command line window allows you to type and execute code and supports:
  • Autocompletion: TAB/UP/DOWN keys allow to navigate through possible completions, RIGHT ARROW key validates completion
  • Commands history navigation: UP/DOWN ARROW takes you to the previous/next command
  • Multiline coding: ATL+ENTER inserts a line break
  • Opening user defined functions: CTRL+CLICK on a selected function name opens the corresponding m-file with your default editor

Output Console

The output console window displays results of mathlayer commands executed from the UI. It can hold up to a million characters, after which it will start removing characters from the top and therefore the oldest output will be deleted first.

You can also select and copy (CTRL+C) any section of the output being displayed.

Calling clc function clears the output console window.

Variable Browser

The variable browser displays all mathlayer variables defined in your session.
  • DOUBLE CLICK displays a variable's values in the output console
  • RIGHT CLICK copies a variable's values into the clipboard
Copying through RIGHT CLICK stores the selected variable as TAB delimited allowing in turn seamless pasting into spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel.

Each time a new variable is created the variable browser is updated accordingly. This is the case independently of whether the call to mathlayer is made from the UI or from an external application.

Calling clear function clears all session's variables and therefore the variable browser too.

Command History

The command history window stores up to a thousand commands.
  • DOUBLE CLICK executes the selected command
  • RIGHT CLICK copies the selected command into the clipboard
Calling clh function clears the command history.

Related functions

ui | clc | clh