Querying APIs

This short tutorial shows how to get free financial data from web APIs directly into Excel. We will show in particular how to get historical stock prices from Yahoo Finance and Quandl. At the Ressources section of this page (bottom) you will find Excel files ready to be used (mathlayer® has to be loaded before opening these files for the function calls to work properly).

Note also that the examples presented hereafter use urlread function to query web APIs: in case you are using a proxy, you will need to specify the proxy settings as explained in urlread documentation.

Yahoo Finance

Let's start by querying Yahoo Finance API to get historical data on Google stock:
>>  strGOOG = urlread('https://ichart.yahoo.com/table.csv?s=GOOG&a=6&b=01&c=2016')#

Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close
Yahoo API has returned a csv string. To start manipulating the data we can convert this string into a table object using function readtable as follows:
>> tblGOOG = readtable(strGOOG,'isstring',true)

        Date          Open          High           Low         Close 
  2016-07-11        708.05        716.51        707.24        715.09 
  2016-07-08         699.5        705.71       696.435        705.63 
  2016-07-07        698.08         698.2       688.215        695.36 
  2016-07-06        689.98        701.68        689.09        697.77 
  2016-07-05        696.06        696.94        688.88        694.95 
  2016-07-01         692.2        700.65        692.13        699.21 
and from there easily visualize the data:
>> o = struct('markerSize',2)
o.xAxisLabels = cast(tblGOOG.Date,'cell')
o.xAxisTicks = 6
o.title = 'GOOG Stock Close Price - Source: Yahoo'


If you need work with free financial data then Quandl seems currently to be the best solution.

You will first need to create an account which will generate a key allowing in turn unlimited data download from Quandl free datasets.

Generating requests is straightforward and well documented:
> first you lookup for a ticker in Quandl website
> then you just need the information of the database and the identifier and you're done

If we look up for instance for Google we find - among others - in the database "WIKI" the identifier "GOOG".

We can then follow the steps described in the first example:
>> strGOOG = urlread('https://www.quandl.com/api/v1/datasets/WIKI/GOOG.csv?trim_start=2016-7-01')
tblGOOG = readtable(strGOOG,'isstring',true)

        Date          Open          High           Low         Close 
  2016-07-12        719.12        722.94        715.91        720.64 
  2016-07-11        708.05        716.51        707.24        715.09 
  2016-07-08         699.5        705.71       696.435        705.63 
  2016-07-07        698.08         698.2       688.215        695.36 
  2016-07-06        689.98        701.68        689.09        697.77 
  2016-07-05        696.06        696.94        688.88        694.49 
  2016-07-01         692.2        700.65        692.13        699.21 

Related functions

urlread | readtable | plot