Data Manipulation

array2table Convert array into a table
cast Type conversion
cat Matrix concatenation
cell2mat Convert cell array to matrix
cellfun Apply function to cell array
char Convert to char
combvec Combinations of vectors
double Convert to double
fliplr Left to right reordering
flipud Top to bottom reordering
groupby Group the elements of a table
histcounts Separates into bins
innerjoin Inner join between two tables
issorted Check if elements are sorted
json Convert JSON content into a struct
logical Convert to logical type
num2str Convert number to string
outerjoin Outer join between two tables
permute Permute dimensions
repmat Expand matrix by replication
reshape Modify matrix dimensions
rmfield Remove fields from struct object
rot90 90 degrees clockwise rotation
setdiff Set difference of two arrays
sort Sort by columns
sortrows Sort rows in ascending order
stack Stack data
str2num Convert string to number
struct2json Convert struct into json string
table2dataframe Convert table into pandas dataframe
table2json Convert table into json string
table2struct Convert table into a struct
unique Remove duplicates
unstack Unstack data