
innerjoin inner joins between two tables.
  • innerjoin(t1,t2) inner joins between two tables t1 and t2. It takes the unique matched column name as key variable
  • innerjoin(t1,t2,'keys',n) n specifies the position of the column that will be taken as key variable
  • innerjoin(t1,t2,'leftkeys',n,'rightkeys',m) key variables are the n-column of t1 and the m-column of t2
  • innerjoin(t1,t2,'rightkeys',n,'leftkeys',m) key variables are the n-column of t2 and the m-column of t1


>> t1 = table({'a'}, 5)#

 Col1          Col2 
    a             5 

>> t2 = table({'a';'b'}, [32; 43], 'VariableNames', {'Col1'; 'Col3'})#

 Col1          Col3 
    a            32 
    b            43 

>> innerjoin(t1,t2)# 

% if there is just one common variable name, it is not needed to specify the key

Col1 Col2 Col3 a 5 32
>> t1 = table({'a';'b';'c'},[1;2;3])#

 Col1          Col2 
    a             1 
    b             2 
    c             3 

>> t2 = table({'a';'c'},[pi;pi/2])#

 Col1          Col2 
    a       3.14159 
    c        1.5708 

>> innerjoin(t1,t2,'keys',1)# 

% the key variable is the first column (Col1)

Col1 Col2 Col2_2 a 1 3.14159 c 3 1.5708
>> t1 = table([1;2;3], [4;3;2])#

          Col1          Col2 
             1             4 
             2             3 
             3             2 

>> t2 = table([4;8;0], [3;2;6])#

          Col1          Col2 
             4             3 
             8             2 
             0             6 

>> innerjoin(t1,t2,'leftKeys',1,'rightKeys',2)# 

key variables are the first column of t1 and the second of t2

Col1 Col2 Col1_2 2 3 8 3 2 4 >> innerjoin(t1,t2,'rightKeys',1,'leftKeys',2)# Col1 Col2 Col2_2 1 4 3

See also

groupby | outerjoin