Secondary Axis

Using secondary axis in overlaid graphs can improve its visualization.
  • Define principal and secondary graphs.
  • Set the option 'useSecondaryAxis' to true into the options of the secondary graph.
  • Set the option 'y2AxisColor' to the same color of the secondary graph.

One line using a secondary axis

If the option 'y2AxisColor' is not defined, the secondary y-axis color by default will be black.

The option 'y2AxisColor' must be defined into the options of the secondary graph.

x = 0:0.1:2*pi 			

% defining X values

op1 = struct

% initializing options struct, principal graph options = false op1.lineStroke = 'purple' s1 = plot(x,cos(x),op1)

% principal graph

op2 = op1

% initializing options struct, secondary graph options

op2.lineStroke = 'orange' op2.useSecondaryAxis = true

% secondary axis

op2.y2AxisColor = 'orange'

% same color as the line to which it refers

s2 = plot(x,sin(x)*1000,op2)

% secondary graph


More than one lines using a secondary axis

If the option 'y2AxisColor' is not defined, the secondary y-axis will be black.

The option 'y2AxisColor' must be defined into the options of the first graph with secondary options.

To have the same color for all the lines refering to the secondaty y-axis it's necesary to set their color manually for each line.

x = 1: 0.2: 10 			

% defining X alues

o1 = struct

% initializing options struct = false c1 = area(x, cos(x), o1)

% principal graph

o2 = o1

% initializing options struct

o2.useSecondaryAxis = true

% first line with secondary axis

o2.lineStroke = 'red' o2.y2AxisColor = 'red'

% same color as the line to which it refers

c2 = plot(x, sin(x), o2)

% secondary graph

o3 = o1

% initializing options struct

o3.useSecondaryAxis = true

% second line with secondary axis

o3.markerStroke = 'red' o3.useSecondaryAxis = true c3 = scatter(x, 2*cos(x+2), o3)

% secondary graph


Related functions

plotyy | plot | scatter