Generating Reports

In this tutorial we show how to generate a report with mathlayer®. More specifically we will demonstrate how to build step by step the following report:

This is an example of a mathlayer® Report
X Purple Orange
1 0.529958 9.175
2 0.456351 1.17368
3 0.319489 6.42012
4 0.341745 2.72917
5 0.713117 4.10926
6 0.579842 8.4933
mathlayer® enhances your projects with powerful numerical capabilities as it gives you access to hundreds of functions allowing you to manipulate data, calculate analytics, visualize results, generate reports, retrieve data from the web and much more.


The first step consists in defining the layout and how we want our report to be structured.
  • The structure will be defined by rows.
  • The final report will be generated by the combination of these rows through the assemble funtion.
  • Each row will be a graph, a text, a table or a combination of them using the assemble function.
In the example, the report has six rows organized as follows:

Each row will be defined independently:
  • row{1} = html(code1,oprow1)
  • row{2} = plot(code2,oprow2)
  • row{3} = assemble(code3,oprow3)
  • row{4} = assemble(code4,oprow4)
  • row{5} = scatter3(code5,oprow5)
  • row{6} = assemble(code6,oprow6)
The report will be the result of apply the assemble function to these five rows:
  • report = assemble(row,opreport)

Global options

The second step consists in defining options relating to dimensions (height, width), fonts, padding, etc.
- Row level: we set the width of the rows

oprows = struct		

% initializing options struct = false oprows.width = 400
- Graph level: we set the options for the specific graphs

op = struct		

% initializing options struct for individual graphs = false op.paddingLeft = 25 op.paddingRight = 30 op.paddingBottom = 45 op.xAxisFont = '0.8em arial' op.yAxisFont = '0.8em arial'

Generating each row and final report

Row 1: title
oprow1 = oprows		

% setting options for row1

title = '<div style="text-align:center; width:400px;font: bold 10px arial, sans-serif;">This is an example of a mathlayer&reg; Report</div>' row1 = html(title,oprow1)

This is an example of a mathlayer® Report

Row 2: full width graph
y1 = rand(30,1)		

% setting y1 and y2 values to all the graphs in the report

y2 = rand(30,1)*10 op2 = op

% setting general options for graph in row2

op2.width = 400 op2.height = 125 op2.yAxisTicks = 4 op2.y2AxisTicks = 4 op21 = op2

% setting specific options for line1 in row2

op21.lineStroke = 'purple' s1 = plot(y1,op21) op22 = op2

% setting specific options for line2 in row2

op22.lineStroke = 'orange' op22.useSecondaryAxis = true op22.y2AxisColor = 'orange' s2 = plot(y2,op22) oprow2 = oprows

% setting options for row2

row2 = overlay({s1,s2},oprow2)

Row 3: table and text
op3 = op		

% setting common options for graphs in row3

op3.width = 400/2


X = (1:6)'

% creating a table

y1 = rand(30,1)

% setting y1 and y2 values

y2 = rand(30,1)*10 Purple = y1(1:6) Orange = y2(1:6) T = table(X,Purple,Orange) op31 = op3

% setting options for table in row3

op31.tableVN = true op31.styleTable = 'width:100%;border-collapse: collapse;border: 1px solid black;font:12px arial;float:left;' op31.styleTabletd = 'font:0.75em arial;border:1px solid DimGray;' op31.styleTableth = 'border:1px solid black;background-color: #f2f2f2;font:0.8em arial;' a31 = table2html(T,op31)

% table in row3


text = '<div style="width:190px;padding-left:10px;font: normal 10px arial, sans-serif;text-align: justify;float:right;"> mathlayer&reg; enhances your projects with powerful numerical capabilities as it gives you access to hundreds of functions allowing you to manipulate data, calculate analytics, visualize results, generate reports, retrieve data from the web and much more.</div>' op32 = op3

% setting options for text in row3

a32 = html(text,op32) oprow3 = oprows

% setting options for row3

oprow3.height = 200 row3 = assemble({a31,a32},oprow3)

X Purple Orange
1 0.529958 9.175
2 0.456351 1.17368
3 0.319489 6.42012
4 0.341745 2.72917
5 0.713117 4.10926
6 0.579842 8.4933
mathlayer® enhances your projects with powerful numerical capabilities as it gives you access to hundreds of functions allowing you to manipulate data, calculate analytics, visualize results, generate reports, retrieve data from the web and much more.
Row 4: two graphs
op4 = op		

% setting common options for graphs in row4

op4.xAxisTicks = 5 op4.yAxisTicks = 5 op4.height = 160 op4.width = 400/2 y1 = rand(30,1)

% setting y1 and y2 values

y2 = rand(30,1)*10 ymax = max([y1;y2])


op41 = op4

% setting options for graph1 in row4

op41.yAxisMax = ymax op41.barFill = 'purple' a41 = bar(y1,op41)

% graph 1 in row4


op42 = op4

% setting options for graph2 in row4

op42.yAxisMax = ymax op42.barFill = 'orange' a42 = bar(y2,op42)

% graph 2 in row4

oprow4 = oprows

% setting options for row3

oprow4.height = 160 row4 = assemble({a41,a42},oprow4)

Row 5: 3D graph
op5 = op		

% setting common options for graphs in row5

op5.markerFill = 'none' y1 = rand(30,1)

% setting y1 and y2 values

y2 = rand(30,1)*10 op51 = op5

% setting options for line1 in row5

op51.markerStroke3d = 'purple' a51 = scatter3(rand(1,30),rand(1,30),y1,op51) op52 = op5

% setting options for line2 in row5

op52.markerStroke3d = 'orange' a52 = scatter3(rand(1,30),rand(1,30),y2,op52) oprow5 = oprows

% setting options for row5

oprow5.width = 450 oprow5.depth = 450 oprow5.height = 300 row5 = overlay({a51,a52},oprow5)

Row 6: buttons
op6 = op		

% setting common options for graphs in row6

a61 = html('<button style="width:100px;height:25px;display:inline;float:left;" onclick="rotate(0,-0.2)">LEFT</button>',op6) a62 = html('<button style="width:100px;height:25px;display:inline;float:left;" onclick="rotate(0.2,0)">UP</button>',op6) a63 = html('<button style="width:100px;height:25px;display:inline;float:left;" onclick="rotate(-0.2,0)">DOWN</button>',op6) a64 = html('<button style="width:100px;height:25px;display:inline;float:left;" onclick="rotate(0,0.2)">RIGHT</button>',op6) oprow6 = oprows

% setting options for row5

row6 = assemble({a61,a62,a63,a64},oprow6)

report = assemble({row1,row2,row3,row4,row5,row6})


Report source code

Related functions

area | bar | histogram | plot | plotyy | scatter | stem | scatter3 | plot3 | surf | assemble