
Hereafter are presented the general options for two dimensional graphs in mathlayer®.

Page and graph names

Defining the name and folder of the file generated and giving a title to the graph.
Options Definition Values Default Values
folder Allows to select where the html file will be allocated. The folder path. The folder where mathlayer is installed.
name Allows to select the file name. Any name. 'mathlayer'
show Allows to select whether the graph is displayed or not. true or false. true
save Allows to select whether the html file is generated or not. true or false. true
title Sets a title for the displayed graph. Any name. none
titleFont Sets the font and size of the tick's text. Any number with its units followed by any font. 'bold 1em arial'
titleX Specify the X coordinate for the title. Any numerical value in pixels. 220
titleY Specify the Y coordinate for the title. Any numerical value in pixels. 20
titleAnchor Define where the text starts with respect titleX. 'start', 'middle' or 'end'. 'middle'
pageTitle Sets a title for the tab of html page. Any name. 'mathlayer charts'
o = struct  

% initializing options struct

o.folder = 'C:\Users\admin\Documents' = 'mygraph' o.title = 'sine' o.titleFont = '1.1em calibri' o.pageTitle = 'sine plot' x = 0:0.1:4*pi plot(x,sin(x),o)

Related functions

area | bar | histogram | plot | plotyy | scatter | stem