
Hereafter are presented the available options for heatmaps in mathlayer®.

Colors and labels

Options Description Values Default Values
colorScale Specifies the colors for the values that will generate the heatmap. A cell array of colors in Hex, RGB or HSL representation. First color will represent the lowest value. {"blue","cyan","yellow","red"}
gradientHM Specifies whether if the heatmap will be generated with defined rectangles of color for each value or with smooth colors. true or false. false
Specifies the percentage of values between color1 and color2 (minimum), and between color3 and color4 (maximum). Any number from 1 to 99. rangeMin: 33
rangeMax: 33
legendTicks Sets the number of ticks of each axis. Any natural number. 5
legendFormat Specifies the format of the numers displayed on the axes and on the canvas. Any format suported by d3 library. '.1f'
Defines the position of the labels for X and Y coordinates. xAxisPos: 'Bottom' or 'Top'. yAxisPos: 'Left' or 'Right'. xAxisPos: 'Bottom'
yAxisPos: 'Left'
x = rand(10)
labX = {'one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine','ten'}
options = struct  

% initializing options struct for individual graphs

options.colorScale = {'#e6f6ff','#0085cc','#002133'} options.legendTicks = 3 options.xAxisPos = 'Top' options.yAxisPos = 'Right' options.gradientHM = true options.xAxisLabels = labX heatmap(x,options)

Related functions

area | bar | histogram